Hybrid Events

Events hybrids are a sure bet for enhancing the scope and the generation of different experiences for the audience. These events are where we combine the in-person attendance (limited in the last few months of the pandemic, with the assistance online of both public as well as speakers.

We present to you a series of tools with which we have to carry out your event with professionalism and with the most modern technologies.


Through this service, you will be able to bring their speakers remotely, and interact with your audience face-to-face. We guarantee the best communication, audio and video of double track.

We also have audio-visual production, custom, while maintaining their brand presence during the event.


We capture and transmit video professional in high resolution for their events, we have cutting-edge equipment in audio-visual technology that enable the transmission by social networks or any kind of web portal, with a production similar to that of the television.

In addition, you can have interactive material, such as chat, polls, and other resources that ensure a complete interaction with the spectators.


The Simultaneous Translation will be transformed for your event face-to-face. hybrid and virtual.

Now your attendees will be able to hear the translation through your mobile devices, thus making it more secure your event.

Leave us your details and one of our business consultants will be in touch